Write a letter change your life
Jan 07, 2019
Author Melody Beattie wrote, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” Today we learn the power of gratitude from writing a letter to people you care about.
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The Distraction of the Day:
Do you know what Twitter is? Do you know what it means to retweet? Then tell me what’s the most retweeted tweet of all time? The previous record holder was a man by the name of Carter Wilkerson, he was retweeted 3.5 million times trying to get free chicken nuggets from Wendy’s for a year! What kind of tweet would it take to break that kind of record?
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Show Content:
Max Pemberton, for the Daily Mail:
Showing your appreciation to people you love with a thank you letter will boost your mental health and thus your relationships!
It’s Gratitude Therapy
Not the sappy kind of stuff we often do on Social Media. “The best moments of my life don’t make it to social media.” Rosalynn Mejia
The big benefits of thank you letters and focusing on the positive:
- Reduce toxic emotions like anger, frustration, envy, and regret
- It helps solidify friendships
- Improves empathy
- Reduces interpersonal conflict
“Developing this sort of mental strength helps limit self-pity. This is because people who express gratitude are less likely to compare themselves unfavourably to others. Instead, they are able to appreciate the achievements and good fortune of others.” Max Pemberton
Taking advantage of gratitude is about:
- Write thank you letters
- Spend 15 minutes a day reflecting on the positive
- Write down these things in a journal, diary, or notebook
“One of the best examples of gratitude therapy in action. A 2016 study at Indiana University found that depressed patients who wrote regular thank-you letters to loved ones showed better outcomes — including changes on brain scans consistent with people in recovery.” Pemberton
Distraction of the Day Finale
The link to Yusaku Maezawa and his famous retweet.