Make disciples of all nations
Sep 02, 2020
The view was astounding! Blackcomb Peak (in British Columbia, Canada), and extreme skiers dream. I stood at the precipice of four vertical shutes. I'd never seen anything like it. All I had to do was stand in place and circle around to take one of the shutes. Spending the better part of a day hiking to the top, turning back was not an option. Fear swept through my body. My heartbeat increased speed and pounded in my chest. Altitude was not the cause of my shortened breaths, it was knowing if I fell at any point careening down the mountain, I was dead. But fear had never stopped me before, I lifted my skis and plummeted down, not touching the ground for nearly 15 feet. And yet, many of you listening right now feel more scared of mentoring other couples than I did on Blackcomb Peak. And that's a problem.
As a Marriage Mentor, you want your relationship healthy. Finishing this course and applying the knowledge and skills on how to love each other better is necessary if you want to take your marriage to the next level. One of the lessons I learned in graduate school at Wheaton College was you can only take someone as far as you've gone yourself. If your relationship is not healthy, you can not expect to help other couples experience the marriage they want. The next level is doing something more with your life and your marriage.
If you want the rest of my notes for this podcast, any downloads mentioned, and more importantly, weekly support and encouragement for your deepest relationship dreams. Join the VIP Inner Circle today! Change is a process and takes time, a VIP Inner Circle membership is the process and allows you the time to build the relationship you want. START NOW