Love the sucky people
Aug 28, 2020
A Quick Deep-Dive
This one time at band camp...wait, the wrong story! It was 1991 and I was on a most excellent adventure...good grief, not that story either! It was 1994 and I was minding my own business on the campus of Baylor University when in the middle of the night my phone rang. One of those classic phones with the extra-long cord attached to the handle somehow impossibly tangled, even though the guy in the commercial clearly told me it was untangle-able.
The voice on the other end of the line was a girl's. This particular girl had won my attention in bible class, and it wasn't her personality! She invited me over to a party at her place, and before she hung up the phone I was knocking on her front door. What happened next will forever haunt me.
This moment is still one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, and I am not easily embarrassed. Her apartment was empty. I gently inquired about the..whereabouts of the party people. She said, "I lied about the party, I just wanted to see you." As an enormous prude, it took all I had not to bend over and expel whatever college-aged man-meal I consumed that evening for dinner. It could have been a dozen tortillas with a large queso from Taco Cabana. Pop-eyes chicken sandwich. Long John Silver's magical fish sticks. Or just beer (Not really...well...potentially).
The next thing I can remember is I was making out with a girl I was not already dating. Things were getting passionate, then my debonair, Rico Sauve like skills kicked into gear and I promptly fell off her 17-foot high bed! Landed flat on my back, knocking the wind from my lungs. Laying there on her floor in a heap of shame and humiliation, she leaned over the bed, stared down at me, and said, "You should probably go home. I don't want us to get in trouble."
She was the enemy.
Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.— Luke 6:27-28
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